Our Philosophy

Bitney Prep Charter High School believes that each and every student is a unique individual who is capable of spectacular things. We know that a supportive learning environment is critical to prepare young people for their journey into adulthood.

That is why Bitney Prep believes in:

  • One Student At A Time

  • Real-World Learning

  • Small Supportive Environment

  • Big Picture Learning


Bitney Prep knows that a one-size-fits-all industrial approach to education doesn’t match the needs of today’s students. Students at Bitney Prep are known by all their TEACHERS. We know their names. We know their passions and struggles. We know what makes them laugh. We know their interests.

Because we know our students as individuals, we design our program to meet their needs, capture their attention, expand their horizons, and prepare them to meet the future they want. One student at a time.


The world is a complex place and our students need the knowledge that arises out of confronting the challenges of the real world. Our dynamic full-day INTERNSHIP PROGRAM puts our students into the workspace where they learn the professional and soft skills they’ll need to follow their passions and succeed.

Our LEARNING THROUGH INTEREST program allows students to design projects based on what they are interested in learning more about, at their own pace. Our partnerships with local organizations and businesses give our students unique access and opportunities to pursue their future.


Bitney Prep is a community. Everyone knows everyone on our campus. Nobody is an outsider. Nobody is a stranger. We foster an environment of inclusivity, diversity, empathy, and support.

Students are part of an advisory cohort with the same group of students and teacher for all four years of their high school career. Because of this, we are there for the struggles and the celebrations, together, for each other.



In 2015, Bitney Prep became part of the BIG PICTURE NETWORK, an innovative, student-centered group of schools focused on bringing the best educational and support practices to students in order to best prepare them for the demands of the modern world.

As a Big Picture School, Bitney Prep benefits from the knowledge and opportunities offered by this global collaborative community.

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