Amy Pugel

Amy Pugel
Science Teacher, Advisor
Classes: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science, Anatomy and Physiology, Personal Finance, Business Math
Education: UC Davis Bachelor’s Degree of Science with a major in genetics, National University Teaching Credential and Masters of Education with an Emphasis on Cross-Cultural Education

What brought me to Bitney was the opportunity. After a summer of trying to get a position at a traditional high school, I saw a posting for Bitney and had not been previously aware of charter schools. When I interviewed and started here, it took a little while to get into, but after my second full year, I thought, “This is the only place I want to be”. During that second year, my son started going here and his experiences definitely helped cement my relationship with Bitney. This will be my 14th year as a teacher at Bitney Prep.

I think that the way Big Picture teaches is exactly the way we need to be looking at teaching. I think the Big Picture model lets us focus on the more important aspects of school, which isn’t just the teaching, it’s the relationships. I don’t think you have the opportunity to do that at any other school. It gives you time to build the relationships you need in order to be more in tune with your learning. If you’re in a school where you have a good relationship with the teachers and your fellow students, you’re just more in tune with your own education.

I really love the kids here, It’s really fun to help them find where they fit. I love when they understand something, they get to share that with other people, and you know that you helped them understand the world a little bit better. The staff here is also incredible; we have a lot of fun together and enjoy each other’s company.The people that I work with make the environment worth coming back to everyday.

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