Connecting Point

Student: Fiona, Class of 2024

Mentor: Julia and Tammy

Connecting Point

Bitney Prep Class of 2024 student Fiona has a great internship at Connecting Point. Fiona does data entry, inputting information about local homeless residents.

Since 2003, Connecting Point (originally the Nevada-Sierra Regional IHSS Public Authority) has been connecting people to In-Home-Support-Services and IHSS employment in Nevada, Sierra, and Plumas Counties.

In 2011, they adopted operations of Nevada County’s 211 program and now manage a comprehensive centralized database of regional health and human services programs for both Nevada and Placer counties. In tandem with their 211 Call Center, they are able to provide 24/7 access to regional resources, information, assistance, disaster information, and program enrollment.

In 2014, Connecting Point expanded to provide employment services, training, financial assistance, and job placement for parents participating in Nevada County’s CalWORKs program.

You can find out more about Connecting Point at their website HERE

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