NorCal Rider’s Choice

Mentor: Jennah McIntosh, NorCal Rider’s Choice
Student: Rain, Tristan, Robert

bitney prep internshipRain (Class of 2022), Tristan (Class of 2021), and Robert (Class of 2020) are all interning this semester at NorCal Rider’s Choice with their mentor Jennah McIntosh. At NorCal Rider’s Choice, they work on motorcycles, quads, and UTVs. From simple oil changes to complete rebuilds, engine tune-ups to tire changes, they are learning it all hands-on learning, even aftermarket installations. These young men are not only following their passion but are learning valuable skills that will jump-start their careers should they chose to follow that path.

To find out more about NorCal Rider’s Choice, make sure you visit their website today at:

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