Online Grades

Access grades online via Pathways SIS. Requires log in. Important instructions are provided below.


You will need to be assigned a username and password before you can access the system – call the office at (530) 477-1235 if you don’t already have (or have forgotten) this information. Once you have your username and password in hand, please follow the instructions below:

  • Go to Pathways Home Access (make a bookmark of this link for yourself)
  • Enter your Username and Password. Leave “bitneycollege” in the third field. These are CasE sEnsItiVe (e.g., “bitney” and “Bitney” are different passwords.) Click Log In and follow any instructions shown.
  • Once in the Student Portal, the most relevant section for parents and students is the Grades & Comments link on the left hand side. For each class there will be a letter grade and then a percentage. For more details, click View Assignments, which will display the individual assignment grades, broken down by month, within that class.


Bitney Prep uses a web-accessible system for posting homework assignments and reporting interim grades called School Pathways SIS.  It centralizes all information about a student’s schedule, homework and interim grades in a single location, making it simpler for you to access.

Be An Engaged Parent and Student

  • Demonstrate your interest in your student’s/your own education by regularly checking grades in Pathways
  • Parents, coach your student through improving those grades. Encourage your student to ask their teachers if missed assignments or make up exams are available and have a conversation with them about how the class is challenging them.
  • We want our students to take responsibility for their homework and exams at this point in their lives, but at the same time they can benefit from the smart, laser-focused prompting of a parent.
  • Be aware that grades do not post the same day as assignments are turned in or tests taken. Our teachers carefully review and grade work, and this takes time, in addition to the time it takes preparing for class, and teaching class. DO NOT DISMISS the online grades simply because there is a delay in grades being posted. Bitney staff is committed to update grades every two weeks.
  • Keeping track of grades using Pathways will provide you with the most current, accurate picture of how your student is performing in any class so you can help your student achieve academic success.
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