Need Help Downloading?

When you click on the link of a .pdf file to download, your browser will either:

  1. Open the document in the browser window.You can browse the document and print it directly from
    your browser window.
  2. Open the document in Acrobat Reader automatically.If your browser automatically opens the document in it’s
    native application or reader, you will have the option
    to do a File/Save to capture the document to your local
  3. Or prompt you to save the file locally.If your browser prompts you to download and save the file,
    simply choose an appropriate place on your local hard
    disk to store the file. You will want to carefully note
    the location you save to so that you will be able to find
    the file when the download is completed.

In addition, you can save a file by right clicking
on the link, then clicking “Save target as” (in
Internet Explorer) or “Save Link As” (in Netscape)
and browse to the appropriate drive and folder, then save
the file. In a Mac, control-click on the link, or click and
hold, to do the same thing.

The action the browser takes depends on your
local browser/application configuration. You will need to
have Acrobat Reader in order to view these documents. If you
don’t have it installed on your computer you can download
it from Adobe by clicking on the following link.


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