M3 Mall

Mentor: Melisa Mistler, M3 Mall
Student: Elaine Herman

bitney prepElaine Herman from the Class of 2022 is interning at the M3 Mall. Her mentor is makeup artist and certified TLS coach Melisa Mistler. M3 Mall is your one-stop-shop for Bridal, Beauty, Wellness, Weight Loss, Fundraising, Volunteering, and more. Under Melisa Mistler’s kind and guiding mentoring hand, Elaine is learning about doing makeup, customer service, and scheduling appointments. She’s also learning what it means to be a community leader, a small business owner, and a creative director.

M3 Mall is a place to learn more about beauty and wellness products, makeovers, and pageants, as well as music lessons, jewelry, and bridal gowns

To find out more about M3 Mall, make sure you check out their website at https://www.m3mall.biz/home

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