The Curious Forge

Mentor: Liam Ellerby, The Curious Forge
Students: Daniel Freedman and Sam Negrete

bitney internshipDaniel Freedman and Sam Negrete from the Class of 2021 both intern at The Curious Forge with their mentor, Liam Ellerby. The Curious Forge is a 20,000+ sq/ft Maker Space located in Nevada City, where members have access to training on a wide variety of over $100,000 in equipment from traditional to advanced. Think of it as an artistic, technical, and industrial playground. At their internship, Daniel and Sam have had access to the woodshop, the textile department, digital fabrication, welding, and enameling. They’ve learned to use all sorts of tools to create all sorts of projects.

If you’re unfamiliar with it, The Curious Forge is part of a growing DIY movement. Makers re-use and re-purpose materials to create innovative, practical, and whimsical projects. Tools are shared, ideas are brainstormed, and people join in to help each other out. Basically, if you’ve got the creative bug to make stuff, you’ll get the means to make it happen at The Curious Forge.

To find out more about The Curious Forge, visit their website at

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